Energy Psychology

What is Energy Psychology?

Energy Psychology is an umbrella term
used for holistic types of therapies.

Where once the word holistic was linked
to spiritual practices, today it has morphed to
encompass philosophy, and quantum physics.
Energy Psychology is frequently called Energy Medicine.

A Famous Man of Science, once wrote,
‘All that is Matter is Energy.’ Albert Einstein.

Our body at the most basic microscopic level, is known, to
be comprised of matter; within this matter, is found a subtle form of energy.

Energy Psychology is holistic, therefore we examine all
aspects, the mind, the body and the emotions. A calm mind, a calm body.

Emotional negative thinking, left unchecked contributes greatly to anxiety,
To help create a calmer mind, we can use holistic modalities (types)
such as Meditation or Reiki, they help balance the the subtle energy that’s found within us all.

Our Genes are not our Destiny.

A lot of illnesses are exacerbated by the life style choices we make, and the stress endured within that life style, is a huge contributor to much illness today.

It has been known for some time in the world of science, that the mind is malleable, it has the ability to change.
If the mind can change, we are not as restricted with change, as we once thought ourselves to be.
Childhood conditioning created during our formative years from birth to 7 years of age, has for some, left emotional scaring, and belief systems that need to be updated. We are now able to reframed old negative thought patterns, outmoded ideas, by introducing new perspectives, a different way forward, and at the same time creating a positive, self confident, self transformation.

Twenty years ago, many thought the brain wasn’t malleable, yet here we are today, where it is an accepted scientific fact, that it is, if the mind can change, then so too can our thoughts and and our behavior.

We know the importance today of positive thinking. We know when the mind is calm we are least likely to give in to frustration or anger. Negative emotional expression contributes greatly to anxiety and illness. We do have choice, we can choose to be happy and to be well, instead of giving in to a life full of anxiety and fear.

The focus of energy psychology is to help create emotional wellness and to help develop a better understanding of emotional intelligence. In doing this, we can help a person increase their confidence, and happiness, by creating a greater peace of mind. We can all choose a different way forward.

If you have experienced tiredness, or lethargy for any length of time, or feel unwell in general, please call your GP first.

The Power of Natural Healing:

Discover for yourself how these safe and natural practices, can help release deep inner
tensions, allowing the body to return to its own natural state of wellbeing.
The Modalities I Practice: 
The modalities I’m trained in and practice, are, Clinical Hypnosis, Counselling, Reiki, Emotional Feeling Therapy EFT, Gestalt Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT,
I’ve been a Meditation Teacher and have taught Stress Management for over 40 years.
If you have experience lethargy or extreme tiredness, please make you sure your family doctor is aware of it.
if you would like to know more about any of these therapies, or would like a consultation, call or email me today.
Love and light to you all Wendy.

Call me for a consultation today 0429789132