
What is Meditation?

Meditation is a self induced altered state
of consciousness, similar to a daydream.

When we experience a daydream,
it lasts for only seconds, however, when we
meditate, this relaxed state, lasts for as long as we choose.

If we meditate regularly, we are less challenged
by our emotions and everyday stress. Meditation can help us
develop an inner calm, that can become stronger over time.
When our meditation practice becomes established, the mind
becomes quite, and still, the mind is always active, this is the challenge.

Meditation teaches us how to detach and regain control of our emotions.

When life becomes a fraction overwhelming, meditation reminds us to slow down.

Meditation, can help us develop better focus, for personal emotional control.

Meditate creates the opportunity to examine concern or anxiety that we may experience,
it can create a pause button for stress, that allows time for us to calm down if overwhelmed.

Meditation History:

We know that meditation has been in practice for at 3,500 years.
The practice originated in the east, in India, Pakistan, then,
Tibet, before it continued onto arrived China, and Japan. Eventually it spread
to the rest of the world!

Why Choose to Meditate?

Meditation allows the mind to settle from internal emotional conflict.
If we apply  a technique called conscious breathing, it helps dissipate anxiety through the control of the breath and the heart beat.
It can allow us the ability to regain control of the emotions, to help us gain clarity with thought, that can allow the mind to rest.

With meditation, you can learn to breathe and release anxiety. By using an exercise technique called conscious breathing, when practiced, we can gently return to our natural breathing rhythm.  Stress is an unavoidable part of living today, meditation, can be our tool to help us stay sane in this fast, busy world.

The art of mindfulness, teaches self discipline, with the ability to slow the busy mind,(when we need to) it allows us the time to regain control of inner emotions. Daily meditation allows time, to check our level of inner wellbeing. It creates a sanctuary within us where we can retreat, and regain our sense of peace and wellbeing.

Have you Ever Felt the Need to put a Pause Button on life?

Meditation can be that pause button, it can allow us the self time to check, that all is well with ourselves, it’s not hard to learn to meditation, at a pace that suits the individual.
Meditation is a safe, and natural way to develop wellbeing in our everyday life.

Meditation can be learnt in several ways, joining a group, or by doing an introductory course, I offer introduction courses in Meditation and Stress Management. It’s not hard to get started. Maybe I can help you? if you would like to know more, you can email or call me for a chat? Love and Light to you all Wendy.

Call me for a consultation today 0429789132